Fool for Love
WITH FOOL FOR LOVE (1983) One similarly You have several choices of topic, and can write about whatever you want, but here are some ideas: The role of storytelling The unreliability of memory, and how what we “see” or remember often comes from our own perspectives How and why we tell stories to construct our realities The role of the imagination The idea of fate or destiny vs free will The relationship between storytelling and truth The relationship between truth and power The role of “knowledge” in these plays The line between truth and lies Connections among truth, power, storytelling, and reputation The connection between love/desire and truth The connection between love/desire and imagination Whichever topic you choose (and you don’t have to do any of the above if you have your own idea), remember you need an argument–the answer to a central, significant question about how ONE topic works in the plays, and then cover the “so what?” You should have your argument at the end of the first paragraph, if possible. And remember, stick to the plays and the characters. The MLA review sheet on how to quote dialogue and cite page numbers is still posted. This must be done correctly. And remember to review the checklist before submitting your work. If you’d like to include films, you can, as long as you cover the plays first and foremost, and make it clear when you are discussing films and why (in other words, how that helps you support or complicate your argument).