Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing
The purpose of this assignment is to describe, evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory. develop an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page and references) using APA style to address the elements listed below. Theory/Author Name and Background ( can not use theorist Jean watson, Virginia Henderson) Select a Grand or Mid-Range Theory(FYI-Mid-range theories are often easier to apply to practice and may have more practice specific literature that is appropriate to the primary care practice setting. Describe the theorist’s background in detail and discuss how their experiences have impacted the theory development. Examine crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the selected theory. Identify the phenomenon of concern or problems addressed by the theory. Theory Description Explain whether the theory uses deductive, inductive or retroductive reasoning. Provide evidence to support your conclusion. Describe the major concepts of the theory. How are they defined? (theoretically and/or operationally) Is the author consistent in the use of the concepts and other terms in the theory? Interpret how the concepts are defined. Implicitly or explicitly? Examine the relationships (propositions) among the major concepts. Evaluation Identify explicit and implicit assumptions (values/beliefs) underlying the theory. On what assumptions does the theory build? Examine if the theory has a description of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. If so, how are they explained in the theory? If the metapardigm is not explained, what elements do you see as relevant to the theory and why? Discuss the clarity of the theory. Did it have lucidness and consistency? Application Examine how the theory would guide nursing actions. Describe specifically how the nurse practitioner can use this theory in primary care office in these ways (Practice, Education, Informatics or Administration).