Assignment: motion perception.
Assignment: motion perception.
Assignment: motion perception.
Assignment: Describe four different situations that can result in motion perception.
Describe four different situations that can result in motion perception. Which of these situations involve real motion and which involve illusions of motion? Finally, how can we explain illusory motion?
Your essays should be 1-2 pages long. They should be well written in your own words and they should be well researched. As always, include a list of references at the end of the paper in which you list (APA style) the publications you cite in the essay.
Assessing Self-Confidence
1. Read each question carefully and think about your confidence during competition with respect to the ability noted in the question.
2. For each ability noted, write the percentage of time you feel you had either too little, too much, or just the right degree of confidence. Estimate to the nearest 25 percent.
· For example: A pole-vaulter might have rated his confidence each time he attempted to clear 17 feet as follows: underconfident, 25%; confident, 50%; overconfident, 25%.
3. The three ratings should add up to 100%. Distribute this 100% however you feel is appropriate; you may assign all 100% to one category, split it between two categories, or, as in the example, divide it among three categories. If the Total % column indicates something other than 100, you need to revise your percentages.
Adapted, by permission, from American Coaching Effectiveness Program, 1987, Sport psychology, level two (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 140-142.
Self-Confidence Assessment
How confident are you with respect to
1. Your ability to execute the skills of your sport or exercise?
2. Your ability to make critical decisions during the contest?
3. Your ability to concentrate?
4. Your ability to perform under pressure?
5. Your ability to execute successful strategy?
6. Your ability to put forth the effort needed to succeed?
7. Your ability to control your emotions during competition?
8. Your physical conditioning or training?
9. Your ability to relate successfully with your coach?
10. Your ability to come back from behind?
Be mindful of your Underconfident and Overconfident scores.
Which skills did you assess in an over- and under-confident manner?
Do you see a pattern with these types of questions?
Think about how you can change your behavior during those actions and implement a strategy to become more confident or work harder to become less overconfident. Remember, becoming aware of your confidence level is the first step in achieving your optimal confidence level.
From Weinberg, R.S., and D. Gould. 2011. Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology Online Study Guide, 5E (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).