Development Progress In Health
Development Progress In Health
Development Progress In Health
Your development plan is a journey. By definition, a journey is not necessarily a straight line. You will deviate from your path. From time to time you will want to take a new road. You will run into roadblocks. For these reasons you will want to return to your plan to adjust your course and mark your progress. Whenever necessary, take a few minutes to:
· Review your progress on your development activities
· Reflect on your performance as youve used the new competency at work or in situations outside of work
· Determine if you are closer to reaching your goal than when you started this process
Review and revise your development plan as necessary based on your accomplishments and reflections and the reality of your own situation.
Consider the possibility of repeating the 360-degree feedback progress at some point to gauge your progress and reality-test your own perceptions of it.
Individual Leadership Development Plan
90-Day Action Plan Progress Report Worksheet
Your Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Your Development Goal #1: ______________________________________________________________________
1. What is your progress to date on this goal?
2. What obstacles have you encountered and what is your plan to address them?
Your Development Goal #2: ______________________________________________________________________
1. What is your progress to date on this goal?
2. What obstacles have you encountered and what is your plan to address them?
Your Development Goal #3: ______________________________________________________________________
1. What is your progress to date on this goal?
2. What obstacles have you encountered and what is your plan to address them?
NCHL Individual Leadership Development Plan 2
NCHL Individual Leadership Development Plan LLI 11
Overview Assessmeent 2-5.docx
· Overview
Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies and construct an 812-page comprehensive individual leadership development plan that can help you take your organization into the future.
Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
· Competency 2: Assess personal leadership competencies relative to the organizational need. (L2.4, L14.4, L22.4, L19.2, L7.2, L10.5)
· Summarize relevant critical success leadership competencies required by health care organizations.
· Compare personal leadership competencies to the critical success leadership competencies needed within the health care industry.
· Construct an individual leadership development plan that contains specific action steps, a timeline, and performance indicators and measures.
· Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.
· Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. (L6.1, L6.2, L6.3, and L6.4)
· Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.
Different types of health care organizations have different visions, missions, values, and cultures. Leaders must assess the community and organization to determine what type of leadership best fits the organizational context. Effective leaders are those who are consistent, credible, authentic, flexible, and engage in continuous learning.
You will have your own brand of personal and professional leadership. It is important to periodically assess the fit of your style relative to the current environment and changing needs of the organization. Leaders who add value align their efforts and lead teams towards organizational goals. Research-based tools such as those developed by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) are available to assist with the task of developing and aligning your skill sets with the changing needs of your organization.
Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
· What new leadership skill sets are needed within your organization due to changes in external industry trends?
· Have you put together a career development plan to help you take advantage of your education and a changing industry? What are some of the advantages of having a career development plan?
· How can you leverage things such as periodic 360-degree informal feedback, a mentor, committee participation in your local professional chapter, organizational task force or committee work, community or volunteer outreach activities, research, professional association presentations, and other items to highlight your skills and demonstrate the value you can add to an organization?
Required Resources
The following resources are required to complete the assessment.
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Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
· National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL). (2010). . Retrieved from
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context.
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Library Resources
Health is a key component of human development. This article looks at how health is measured, and the convergence of health across countries. We argue that health measures should account for illness as well as mortality, but in practice life expectancy is a reasonable proxy for population health. While health is improving we see two distinct groups of countries in the data, clustering around different long run steady states. Many countries have experienced large health gains without prior income gains and in countries not affected by HIV/AIDS the last 40 years have been a success story in terms of health.