Introduction to Computer MS Word
1. Open the data file Report located in the Chapter 11Practice It folder. Save the document as Annual Report. 2. Replace all instances of the word endowment with asset. 3. Find the three instances of the phrase Asset Fund. Replace those instances of Asset with Endowment. 4. Apply the Title style to the first paragraph. 5. Apply the Heading 1 style to the following para graphs: Overview, Community Collaboration, Professional Advisors Group, and Investment Committee. 6. Apply the Heading 2 style to the following paragraphs: Fiscal Year Outcome and Community Impact. 7. Apply the Heading 3 style to the following paragraphs: Community Endowment Fund, Books for All, and Young Adult Outreach. 8. Change the style set to Lines (Stylish). 9. At the beginning of the document, select the Overview heading paragraph, change its font size to 22 points, and change its color to Green, Accent 6. Then update the definition of the Heading 1 style to match the formatting of the Overview paragraph. 10. At the beginning of the document, select the first paragraph under the Overview heading, change the line spacing to single-spacing, and change the space after the paragraph to 12 points. Then create a new paragraph style based on this paragraph named Body, and apply this new style to all the body text in the document. 11. Change the theme to the Damask theme. 12. Change the theme colors to the Marquee color palette, and then change the theme fonts to the Calibri-Cambria font set. 13. In the Navigation pane, promote the Fiscal Year Outcome heading to a Level 1 heading, and then move the Fiscal Year Outcome heading down so it follows the Investment Committee heading (above the Community Impact heading). 14. In Outline view, promote the Community Impact heading and its subheadings one level so that the Community Impact heading is a Level 1 heading. Then move the Community Impact heading and its subheadings up to precede the Professional Advisors Group heading. 15. Change the left and right margins to 1.5 inches. 16. At the end of the document, create a manual page break to create a new, blank page 4. 17. Use the Plain Number 2 page number style to insert a page number in the center of the footer area. 18. Insert the Filigree header from the Header gallery. In the Title content control, type Annual Report. In the other content controlthe Author content controltype your name, replacing the user name thats there, if necessary. 19. Dont show the headers and footers on page 1. 20. Change the style for citations and the list of works cited to the APA style. 21. On page 1, in the first paragraph below the Overview heading, delete the highlighted text [citation], and then insert the following citation: Type of Source: Book Author: Robert L. Simmons Title: Community Foundation: A History Year: 2012 City: Boston Publisher: Anson Press 22. On page 2, in the first paragraph below the Community Endowment Fund heading, replace the highlighted text [citation] with a citation to Community Foundation: A History by Robert L. Simmons. 23. On page 2, in the first paragraph below the Books for All heading, replace the highlighted text [citation] with the following citation: Type of Source: Web site Name of Web Page: Books for All Name of Web Site: Reading Initiative Year: 2017 Month: June Day: 4 URL: 24. Add the page reference 45 to the Simmons citation on page 2, and then add the page reference 15 to the Simmons citation on page 1. 25. On page 4, generate a list of works cited using the built-in Bibliography style. 26. Create the following source without inserting a citation to it: Type of Source: Book Author: Title: Sam Blackwater Year: 2012 City: New York Publisher: Messier Publishing 27. Update the bibliography to include the new source. 28. On page 2, after the last sentence in the first paragraph below the Community Endowment Fund heading, insert the following footnote: The complete list of donors is on file. (including the period). Then, on page 1, below the Overview heading, after the last sentence in the first paragraph, insert the following footnote: The Profit and Loss statement is available on our Web site. (including the period). 29. Save and close the document