500 word letter with 4 scholarly sources
I need help with a Academic question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Research a current trend or issue related to a child development theory. Some example issues include, but are not limited to:
- Behaviorism
- Behavior rewards/systems in the classroom
- Montessori approach
- Maslows hierarchy of needs
- Ericksons eight developmental stages
- Vygotsky sociocultural theory
Review current literature on the child development theory you selected and consider its effect on learning environments related to early childhood students.
Assume the role of an early childhood teacher and write a letter of 500?750 words to your school administrator.
In the letter, take a position on the theory you selected. Your perspective should promote professional practice in early childhood education by advocating for or against the theory for early childhood students.
Include the following in your letter:
- Description and analysis of the theory, and how it is related to early childhood education
- Your position advocating for or against the selected child development theory promoting professional practice in early childhood education
- Evidence?based research that supports your position
- How your position upholds ethical standards, professional standards of practice, and/or relevant laws and policies in order to carry out this work within the public arena with compassion, justice and concern for the common good.
Cite 4?5 scholarly sources that support your research.