Power Elec
Im studying and need help with a Engineering question to help me learn.
1. A DC chopper has a resistive load of 20 ohms and input voltage Vs = 220V. When the chopper switch remains on, its voltage drop vch = 4V and the chopping frequency is f = 2kHz. If the duty cycle is 50%, determine the;
- Average output voltage, Va
- Rms output voltage, VO
- Chopper efficiency
- Effective input resistance of the chopper, Ri
- Rms value of the fundamental component of output harmonic voltage
2.A buck regulator has an input voltage of VS = 10V. The average output voltage , Va = 20V and the average load current, Ia = 0.8A. The switching frequency is 20kHz. If L= 200µH and C = 240µF, determine the;
- Duty cycle, k
- Ripple current of inductor, ?I
- Peak current of inductor, I2
- Ripple voltage of filter capacitor, Vc
3. A chopper is feeding an RL load with Vs = 220V, R = 15?, L = 10mH, f = 1.5kHz and E= 0V. Calculate the
- Minimum instantaneous current I1
- Peak instantaneous load current, I2
- Maximum peak-to-peak load ripple current
- Average value of load current, Ia
- Rms load current, Io
- Effective input resistance seen by the source, Ii
- Rms chopper current, IR
4. A chopper has a load resistance, R= 0.30?, VS = 500V, E= 0V. The average load current, Ia=150A, and chopping frequency, f= 500 Hz. Use the average output voltage to calculate the load inductance, L, which would limit the maximum load ripple current by20%