CT312 Advanced Microprocessors Discussion Questions
Can you help me understand this Engineering question?
Complete the following discussion questions in a word document.
Shift and Rotate Instructions and Jump Instructions
Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions in 150 words each. Include references.
- Discuss the different shift and rotate instructions. Discuss how they work, and the operands used.
- Discuss how conditional and unconditional jump instructions can be used to control the flow of a program. Provide example code.
The “Inline Assembler” and “Macros”
Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions in 150 words each. Include references.
- Discuss the inline assembler. Include a description of its features, limitations, and usefulness in programming microprocessors.
- Discuss how macros are used in programming. Include how they are constructed and how they are different from procedures.
8066 and 8088 Microprocessors and 8284A Clock Generator
Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions in 150 words each. Include references.
- Discuss the differences between the 8086 and the 8088 microprocessors.
- Discuss the housekeeping chores provided by the 8284A clock generator.
RAMBUS RAM and Handshaking
Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions in 150 words each. Include references.
- Research and discuss RAMBUS RAM. Why has this technology fallen by the wayside? What has replaced it?
- Discuss the term handshaking as it applies to computer I/O systems.
An Interrupt and the 8259A
Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions in 150 words each. Include references.
- Discuss the sequence of events that occur when an interrupt is detected.
- Discuss the key features of the 8259A. Include what it is used for, what it contains, etc.
Features of an Optical Disk Memory System and DMA Operation
Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions in 150 words each. Include references.
- Discuss the major features of optical disk memory system.
- Discuss basic DMA operation and in particular the 8237 DMA controller.