Write a summary of two document excerpts and your personal comments/reaction for each document summary.
I dont understand this History question and need help to study.
Write a summary (150-200 words in length each) of two document excerpts and your personal comments/reaction (150-200 words) for each document summary. NOTE: The excerpts are NOT the introduction to the chapter, the study questions in a chapter, a section of text in the chapter (this text is black print on white background), nor commentary on a specific topic in a chapter. Your summary should include the title of the document excerpt. Also use the heading COMMENTS to denote your comments separately from the document summary. Save all as a Word document.
Select two of these documents to complete the weekly document summary assignment.
Documents: The Creation of the World from The Upanishands
The Mandate of Heaven, Selections from the Shu Jing (The Classic of History):
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789
Summary: This document is a translation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man (Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen). It is a collection of articles that was passed by the French National Assembly in August of 1789 and served as the core of the popular revolution. The lede paragraph …
Comments: At first this statement would appear to be heavily influenced by the events and commentary unfolding in America. Many of the same standards and promises are echoed in the Declaration of Independence. However, our text smartly links the common thread between …