Develop a Psychological Skills Training Program for a performance specific event, or a competitive athletic season within sport. You can use yourself as the performer, use another performer, athlete or athletic team, or use a hypothetical case as an athle
Im trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.
1) What would you offer them for a comprehensive approach in preparing for their performance(s)?
2) Integrate what you have learned throughout this course, and include your insights and personal approach of presenting it to the athlete(s) / performers. Throughout the summer weeks of this course, continue to build on bringing together the psychological skills that you will integrate into your program.
6-8 pages, plus title page and reference page; 6 references minimum. APA format is required.
With the 6 references minimum, please have at least 4 new sources outside of the text and course articles (peer reviewed articles, books, etc.) You can then have as many references as you would like from the text and course articles