For this assignment you are to create a name tag for yourself. It can be as simple or creative as you like. It should include your name on it (what you want to be called in the class) and you should decorate it in a way that represents who you are. Also,
I need help with a Communications question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
For this assignment you are to create a name tag for yourself. It can be as simple or creative as you like. It should include your name on it (what you want to be called in the class) and you should decorate it in a way that represents who you are. Also, you need to come up with a word for each letter of your name that you connect with or describes yourself (this can be on the name tag or not). You will present all of this to the class.
This assignment is worth 10 points for the presentation you give in class on Jan 21.