Can someone please assist with 4 page annotated bibliography regarding micro-aggressive behaviors of law enforcement within African American Communities? The course is PS504 Advanced Research Methods.I have 3 peer reviewed articles selected as required.
Can you help me understand this Psychology question?
An annotated bibliography is used to help a writer organize their references.It is essentially a set of very formal and well-organized notes that can be used to aid in the development of a piece of writing.
Typically an annotated bibliography would not be seen by anyone but the person who made it, just as ones notes from class, highlighted material in articles and books, etc., would not be seen by anyone else.
For THIS assignment, the journal articles that are to be annotated are peer-reviewed research reports.Not reviews, not opinions, not summaries, not meta-analyses.Certainly not magazine articles or material from websites like wikis or blogs.
By the way, with the exception of this Instructions page, this document is set up as a template that could be used for the assignment
This instruction page should be deleted entirely.
Due By 1/20/20 4:00 pm