A Raisin in the Sun premiered in 1959. Zoot Suit premiered twenty years later in 1979, after the civil rights movement. Each play addresses issues of racism in the United States. Compare and contrast the literary tone of each play. In relation to racism.
I need an explanation for this Literature question to help me study.
A Raisin in the Sun premiered in 1959. Zoot Suit premiered twenty years later in 1979, after the civil rights movement. Each play addresses issues of racism in the United States. Compare and contrast the literary tone of each play. In relation to racism. What differences do you notice in the two plays, and what does that tell you about the ongoing evolution of American theatre and American attitudes?
Plays are works of literature. “Literary tone” refers to the attitude(s) the playwright (author) adopts toward the subject matter of his or her work, and toward the anticipated audience.
Basically, I am asking you to consider the attitude with which each playwright approaches their story – which is very different in each play. A helpful hint is the mention that Zoot Suit premiered after the civil rights movement in the United States. Ask yourself why that would make a difference in Valdez’s attitude compared to Hansberry’s. Then go over the plays again while paying attention to the tone in which they were composed. Also consider the audiences each author wrote for. What were audiences like, and what did they expect in the 1950s? How might that be different in the 1970s? Who do you suppose Hansberry expected to attend her play, and how did she feel about that audience? Ask the same about Valdez. These approaches should help you identify differences and similarities in these two plays about racial discrimination. As always, refer to specific details in each play to support your analyses.
I’ve attached both or the plays & the basic writing tips my professor is looking for.