making and describing about winter counts for each class learning
Need help with my Social Science question – Im studying for my class.
The Winter Count
Length: Varies minimum length 6 pages
No Internet images please. It has to be created by own. Students will not be judged for drawing skills but It should make sense for social workers. For Instance a picture of a flower to compare with social worker in terms of self care if social workers take care of themselves then they can spread happiness in world as flowers spread fragrance , and work as role models etc
Indigenous peoples that lived on the Prairies practiced a specific form of literacy called the winter count. The winter count was a symbolic way to recall significant events that occurred in the lives of the people. Symbols descriptive of the event were painted on buffalo robes by community members skilled in those ways.
Your task is to create your own series of winter count-like symbols (without the use of google, letters or words) that represent your learning in this course. You are required to create one winter count-like symbol for 5 different classes (you can choose which ones) and provide some written explanation and interpretation of the significance of the symbol to your thinking, feeling, and learning in relation to the ideas and topics we have discussed. At the completion of the course, you should have created 5 symbols with interpretations. Your task is to consider these both individually and as a synthesized whole, regarding them as a compilation of your thinking and feeling as we moved through the various aspects of the course. Your job is to review these symbols, along with the related explanations, and use them as inspiration to write a synthesized statement that tells the story of your experience in this course.
This assignment is not meant to test your artistic skills but to instead support you to find different ways to think about the topics we discuss and to consider them in a holistic manner. You will not be graded on your symbols themselves, but rather on your interpretation and analysis of the symbols and your process.
Day 1 January 8
? Introductions and course orientation
? Course overview: goals, learning objectives
? Trauma informed practice reminders
? Trauma exposure response negative impacts
? Trauma exposure response positive impacts
Austin, et al, Chapter 3
(Available on BlackBoard)
Hernandez, P., Gangsei, D., & Engstrom, D (2007). Vicarious resilience: A new concept in work with those who survive trauma. Family Process, 46(2) 229-241. (Available on Blackboard)
Days 2 & 3 January 9 & 10
? Professional Resilience
? Grief and Loss Grant & Kinman, Chapters 4, 8, & 9
Day 6 January 13 & 14
? Moral conflict in social work Practice Advocating for yourself to be the social worker you want to be.
? Boundaries
? Difficult work environments
? Organizational issues
? Making mistakes coping with guilt and shame in social work practice Grant & Kinman, Chapter 3, 8, 10
Gibson, M. (2014). Social worker shame in child and family social work: Inadequacy, failure, and the struggle to practice humanely. Journal of Social Work Practice, 28(4), 417-431. (Available on BlackBoard)