Moral Philosophy and Ethical Dilemma
Part I: Describe Hume’s basic moral philosophy in a sentence or three. Describe Kant’s ethical philosophy in a sentence or three. What is the difference between empiricism versus rationalism? Part II: Which of these philosophers do you think is more correct? Why do you think that? What can you draw from your own experience to help explain why you think that? In what areas, could you be wrong? Part III: Read the following ethical dilemma and explain what you would do, and why (you must have good reasons), in this situation: You live in a political tyranny where dissent and speech are being curtailed. The police, as the local arm of this tyrannical government, are known for disappearing those that they arrest. You are out for a walk one night and you see a man running towards you. He looks terrified, stressed and panicked. He comes up to you with tears in his eyes and says, I am going to hide right here. I cant run anymore. I didnt do anything wrong. Please, promise me you wont tell them where I am! So you promise the man, even though you dont know anything about him. He hides behind a bush and you keep walking. Ten seconds later four men turn the corner where the panicked man had come from and head towards you. As they get closer you see that they are, indeed, police officers. They walk up to you and ask if you have seen the man they were chasing. What do you do? Do you lie? Why?