Biological Points of View
NEED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN AN ESSAY 1.1. What is life? 1.2. What is a virus? 1.3. Are viruses alive? Your answer to the question “What is Life?” may come from any perspective that you may find enticing (philosophical, spiritual, religious, historical, biological, physicochemical, etc.). Single or double-spaced, 11-12 pt., any font. Regarding question 1.3, this is a controversial topic and you may find different opinions. You may write down one that aligns with your own ideas or report your findings from a neutral perspective. If you choose biological points of view, please do not limit yourself to the description of living organisms; in other words, do not copy the characteristics of living organisms from general biology textbooks. Cite bibliographic sources if you use any, including websites (a list of URLs is not a bibliography). How many references to use, what kind of references (primary or secondary), is up to you (this is college, no more hand-holding). Do not use Wikipedia. For citation, I suggest to use the Also, the lab manual has a comprehensive guide on how to cite and elaborate bibliographies. It is very common in biology courses to use sources from the National Center for Biotechnology Information; however, just citing “NIH” or “NCBI” or “PubMed” as an author is not correct; you need to cite Authors (Year) Article Title, Journal, Volume, Pages.