Malicious Attacks Threats and Vulnerabilities
1- Answer the questions below. 2- Do the research. Search for current events or other information (fun facts) based on topics covered in the Chapter. Find information related to attacks, threats, or vulnerabilities you would like to know more about. You should summarize each in 10 or more sentences and provide links to each one of your sources. Also, discuss why you chose each and what you learned from researching it. 3- Comment on at least 2 other students posts. Respond in 8 sentences or more for each. Questions: 1- Identify a current event/information related to 1 malicious software and 1 countermeasure(s) that can be implemented. You should report information that will enhance your knowledge (something you did not know before). [25pts] 2- Identify a current event/information that presents 1 common attacks and 1 appropriate countermeasure. You should report information that will enhance your knowledge (something you did not know before). [25pts] 3- Choose 2 to discuss. Provide current events/research information for your choices. You should report information that will enhance your knowledge (something you did not know before) [50 pts]: social engineering and risks threats and types of attacks on wireless networks threats and types of attacks on web applications