Ethics Presentation Assignment
The Ethics PP and Presentation Requirement is in the Form of a Well-Informed PowerPoint Presentation. The Requirements are as follows: Choose an ethical mishap/unethical situation from the external business, non-profit, healthcare, or government environment. The external unethical situation must be extracted from a current event in the national or global environment. Provide 6 slides. 1) Title Page –a) Name of Case Study, b) Student name 2) Case Study — Provide the Facts of the Case (Unethical Situation) 3) Ethical Theory — What Ethical Theory Will Provide the Framework of the Analysis? What Ethical Practice Will Provide the Framework of the Analysis? 4) Analysis — You Must Provide an Analysis analyze the ethical theory in relation to the unethical situation 5) Conclusion: My Role as Leader — Provide a Minimum of 6 Sentences on What you See as the Role of Leader regarding this Case Study. What SHOULD the leader have done, which would have provided a different outcome? In addition, provide Action Steps that the leader could take that what begin to move the situation/organization toward filling the gap. Include 2 or 3 Action Steps that will change the trajectory the current path — the current course of action — of the unethical behavior and the institution that may encourage the unethical behavior. 6) In-text Citations and References (4) Must be Provided