Microeconomic Issues Analysis
Explain what has happened in the industry during the selected time period and the microeconomic causes and outcomes. Requirement: Analyze the labor issues impacting the selected company. Explain how the company uses high-skilled and low-skilled labor? Most companies will use some mix of both, but most companies will rely more heavily on one or the other. How does the type of labor used (high-skilled or low-skilled) impact the supply of labor? How do these influence the wage rate in the company? Does this company use more labor or more capital to produce products (is the production process capital intensive or labor-intensive)? Explain the impact of using more labor or capital inputs on the number of workers hired and the wage rate. Has this changed during the analysis period? How does minimum wage play a role for the company? Note: that the company may pay higher than minimum wage on average, but sometimes minimum wage will serve as a baseline. If there is a labor union, explain the impact of the labor union on the workers and employees in terms of. Sometimes, even if there is not a labor union, there is the threat of a labor union that you can discuss. If there is no labor union or no threat of a labor union, you do not have to discuss this issue. Submit a report that is 3-4 pages long, typed double-spaced. This report should be well written with an introduction and conclusion and use an appropriate citation. Research: Each student will develop an analysis based on the information provided and the questions asked in each activity. Research is required by you and some possible sources are below (though you should use other sources as well). News sources: USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, and MSN Money, etc. Visit the library for help finding sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source! Submission: Each project needs to be in a single document (.doc or .pdf formats would work best) and submitted to the Canvas assignment. Each student will submit a complete economic analysis that must include a title page, written analysis, and work cited/references in a single document. Each student must submit all parts outlined in the instructions. No late assignment will be accepted.