Credit Card Advertisement
Consider Capital One’s strategy placing credit card advertisements on its website. Consider, as well, the technology, information systems and partnerships that made such an approach to advertising possible. Suppose you are the lead member of a special consulting team dedicated to helping companies implement “ethically responsible uses of technology.” What recommendations would you make to senior Capital One management to help them change (or modify) their advertising placement practices in a more ethically responsible fashion? What steps should Capital One take, if they’re concerned with the ethical use of online technologies? In an short essay of up to 4 to 5 pages provide a response to this question, selectively integrating the Capital One case, the assigned materials for Session 10 as well as any other course materials we’ve studied this term. In your answer should be focused, clear and precise, using examples or specific illustrations where appropriate. Your essay should be clearly written and organized, concise, grammatically correct, analytically sound, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the reading assignments. Do not offer extended introductions and do not stray from directly addressing this particular assignment. You do not need to do any outside research for this particular assignment. However, It is expected that students use the APA Style Guide for in-text citations and bibliographic references for their essays, including any outside research and for assigned texts. This means that the quality of your presentation and style will be determined by the accurate use of the APA Style Guide for citations and references. A separate reference page should be provided for the texts you cite in the body of your essay. You do not need to provide a title page, running head or abstract for these essays. Simply put your first and last name in the top right of the first page of your essay.