Design and Modern Technology
A. Design and Modern TechnologTechnology allows us to create far more sophisticated graphics for reports than ever before. Do an Internet search and share at least two tools that can be used for creating a graphic. Next, share a link to a graphic youve found that you feel is highly effective. Explain why you feel that graphic is effective.*At least 100-150 words B. Reflect on the role of visual design in technical writing. Why is it important that we format reports in specific ways? What role does a visual aid play in a report? Share three things you learned about design this week. Memo format. Clear, focused writing with minimal errors. A minimum of two paragraphs. A demonstration of reflection and critical thinking.C. Graphics for Your ProposalReview the requirements for the proposal assignment that is due in Week 6. This week you will be creating two graphics that will go into your report to add clarity.Here are the guidelines for your graphics: You create original graphics (e.g. chart, table, graph, process flow) You can use information/data that you found during your research, but you must create the actual graphic.o For example, if you wish to show the rise in workplace accidents, you might get the numbers from a government website, but you must create the graphic that demonstrates how the numbers show an increase.o If you use source information, identify the source. The graphics must clarify a concept in your proposal. Provide a short description with each on how the graphic relates to information in your proposal. Focus on creating clear and appealing graphics that enhance the content of your proposal.o For instance, if your problem is that your company does not advertise on social media, then you could include a table or bar chart that shows the number of viewers on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The table or chart would use source data. Create your graphics in Word or a PowerPoint. You will be inserting them into your proposal in the week 6 assignment.