Development Methodology
Questions: In chapter 10, if you did not use a development methodology what were the problems you encountered? How does the size of the project team affect the need for a development methodology? How does it affect the formality of the methodology? In chapter 11, the PMBOK is a large body of knowledge. Many of the principles apply to software development, but some do not fit as well. Discuss each of the nine areas of the PMBOK to compare software development concepts against building a building type of project. In chapter 12, if a use case diagram is modified due to a design omission, which diagrams would need to be revisited and potentially revised? During the design of interaction diagrams, if a missing actor is identified, which diagrams would need to be revisited and potentially revised? In chapter 12, a three-layer design defines the responsibilities for the view layer, domain layer, and data access layer classes. Should these classes be designed by one person, or should each layer be designed by different people with separate knowledge of the view layer, the business logic layer, and the data access layer? Which is more important, getting the overall structure right, or capturing the details for each layer?