Gastroenterology Patient please rewrite the paper follow the requirements in the link above. this is to be published to the journal above 1. rewrite/ revision, add the content in the history and surgery documents to make it more complete. Please use medical terminology to describe it. You can read the samples sent to you (please remind me to send you later) for related formats and expressions. In addition, just look at the case report published in the above magazine I sent you, see how this magazine writes, and rewrite according to the articles published in the magazine. 2. the first 3 references need to be updated (the first 3 in the reference page, they were in 2017. it’s been 3 years already since the paper was written in 2017 and then it was left undone till now). Also need to update the related contents in the discussion part. 3. Refer to the guide, which requires no more than 10 references. 4. I have chosen 4 pictures myself. You can see which pictures are better to put in the paper. it must include information about endoscopy and images. you can have 4-6 pictures? double-check the guide to see if there is any restriction. There are restrictions on image and video formats and pixels, which need to be rewritten as required by the magazine 5. format: each magazine has its own format. please refer to this magazine articles and guide.