Building and Construction Report
This building construction report will comprise a professional industry standard report comparing a range of industrial, commercial, and retail building types (Pick one out of the three).
You will need to carry out an observation inspection of the building you have selected and gather all individual building construction information to complete this assessment (Please select a building that is from Australia Brisbane City QLD).
You also need to prepare a short presentation to pitch your selected building to your student peers. The pitch must include all important information for a property investor who is considering the purchase of a building in Brisbane. You must select your building on Week 1 and your building does not need to be for sale in order to complete this assignment. You will invest, study, and analyze the building you have selected and reported it.
The report should follow the structure given in this Brief. The aim of the analysis is to report conditions of the building to an investor who plans to purchase the building. The report must follow the presentation guidelines and should have approximately 2,000 words (a reference list, executive summary, tables/figures, cover page, and captions not included).
The word count under or over 10% of the requirement will reduce the mark by 10%. You also need to prepare a short presentation, so-called elevator speech, for your building. The presentation should be a maximum 5-minute pitch to market your building to a mock investor that your student peers represent. For the Zoom presentations, you must select your own presentation group. The registration tool will be available on BlackBoard. Additional to your presentation, you need to evaluate your peer students presentations.
The evaluation tool will be available before the presentation day and you must submit your reviews via BlackBoard. A presentation and completed peer-reviews represent 10% of your final grade. Every student must give a presentation that is peer-reviewed by other students.
The presentations can be given ONLY on the day stated in the Unit Map. The peer-reviews are used for the mark given from the presentation part of the assessment item 2. If you do not give a presentation, your presentation will be marked by the teaching staff. If you do not submit peer reviews, your presentation mark will be reduced the mark by 50%.
You must submit your report, presentation, and peer reviews via BlackBoard Assignment links. Be careful that you use the correct submission link. The report and presentation must be submitted separately using the different links. The following is a guideline as to how your assessment report should be structured.
Table of contents: Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Location (suburb, population, surrounding buildings and landmarks) 3.0 Building Description (building type retail, industrial, commercial, no. floors, estimated age, condition) 4.0 Building Design (floor plan, architecture, street presence and overall presentation) 5.0 Construction Materials (material type and description floor type, framing, external walls, roofing, internal fitout) 6.0 Building Services (air-conditioning, public facilities such as toilets, elevators, fire systems, etc.) 7.0 Sustainability (any energy efficiency technologies, natural light and ventilation) 8.0 Ongoing maintenance and operational issues (visible damage given the use of the building or due to the age of the building) 9.0 Leasing and ownership issues (i.e. are there any vacancies? What are the current tenants?
Does it require significant works and refurbishment? Is the fit-out too old to compete against with new stock on the market?) 10.0 Recommendations (why should we invest in your building?)
11.0 Conclusion 12.0 Reference List (refer to QUT Cite and Write) Appendix (i.e. any inspection photos, any searches you may have undertaken and have referenced)