AIDS in Uganda and Botswana
Read Chapter 9 of Epstein (2007) and write an essay on why and how the HIV infection rate declined in Uganda and Kagera since the early 1990s? Use following concepts: “collective efficacy” (page 160); “sense of collective urgency” (page 161); women’s movement (page 163~164); and community-based organization (page 164~167). Also discuss in the essay the case of Botswana (page 167~171) with an extra focus on the last sentence of the chapter, “it’s also about the heart,” in comparison with the home-based care and the recognition of the ‘reality’ (or the perception) of AIDS as a disease for everyone in Uganda. The essay will be three page long (no more than 1000 words, put words count at the end of the essay). You constitute and upload a Word document with 12-font size of Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced and 1-inch margin for all sides. Epstein, Helen, 1961-. (2007). The invisible cure : Africa, the West, and the fight against AIDS. New York :Farrar, Straus and Giroux,