Marketing Consultancy
Imagine you are a marketing consultant and you have been hired to review and make recommendations on how to reach their target audience. This assessment is a written report on the concepts of understanding consumer behaviour, putting people into groups with common needs/wants (segmentation) and creating marketing strategies (targeting and positioning) which enable your organisation to break through the clutter of marketing messages. To complete this task you need to: Step 1: Carefully choose an organisation that you are interested in (or are currently working for) and one of their specific products and conduct a competitor analysis by comparing this to similar products in the market. Step 2: Using the theoretical frameworks of consumer behaviour, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and data from secondary market research, construct a consumer profile taking into account one internal and one external influence that impacts consumer decision making. Inside the report you need to include; A brief overview of your chosen organisations current market position with a competitive analysis includes a perceptual map showing competitive analysis (compare against two competitors); Definitions and descriptions with an analytical discussion of one internal (i.e. motivations, personality etc) and one external (i.e. group references, culture etc) factor that may affect your likely consumers decision to buy your product; Definitions and descriptions of the theoretical concept of segmentation then apply this framework to a range secondary market data sources leading to a Typical consumer profile for your chosen product (based on evidence from secondary market data using the segmentation variables as your framework); and Definitions and descriptions of the theoretical concepts of targeting and positioning and then specific recommendations for a new positioning statement. Use your textbook and other theoretical sources and secondary research (be sure to have reviewed your organisations latest marketing information- e.g. Television Advertisement /YouTube ad for their current positioning strategy) as a starting point for your analysis to support and frame your argument.