Group Dynamics
Assignment Content Reflection Paper Using the principles and theory of small group dynamics as given in Chapter 5, write a well-crafted 3-5 paragraph essay describing the experience of working in your group. What was the dynamic of the group? What went well? What could have gone better? What were the causes of this dynamic. What was your role in the group? Could you have done anything differently? What did you learn as a result of this experience? How would you rate your experience with the small group presentation project? Please do not use any specific names of any group member in your paper. Refer to them as “one group member” or something similar. A reflection paper is not about complaining about others. The purpose of this paper is to describe YOUR experience. Be sure to focus on yourself more than the other members of your group. Upload your paper as a MS Word document to this folder. Reflection paper is due no later than Sunday, Dec 13th at 4PM EST Reflective essay outline Reflection o A reflective essay should formally present personal or professional reflection on a topic. It may be preceded by brainstorming, list-making or deep thought. Professionals might refer to past reviews or other documentation of their recent performance. Reflective writing on more personal topics might require you to look over photographs or journal entries. Organization ? The reflective essay should follow the format of introduction, body and conclusion. In contrast to most formal academic essays, instructors encourage describing the past experience or development in question in chronological order. This means the best starting point is a description of the period before the event or period being described. Descriptions of your expectations or perspectives are particularly effective. Transformation ? The body of a reflective essay should describe the transformative experience that is the topic of the essay. It might describe in detail a new setting or frame of mind that appeared during this process. To create continuity with the introduction, this section often compares how an actual experience compared with one’s expectations of it. This section should be balanced, covering the negative and positive aspects, as well as the challenges and joys of an experience. Professional reflective essays focus more strongly on what was learned through an experience. Evaluation ? A conclusion evaluates the experience, often in quantitative terms. It again reflects on the transformation that occurred but this time in more general, sweeping terms to give an aerial perspective of the development or experience. It might also include regrets or surprises confronted along the way. Most important, this section should impart to the reader the feelings, opinions and status of the person who has experienced the events covered in the essay. The writer should emphasize the transformation that occurred and conclude with an affirmation of the new perspective reached through the experience.