Clothing Culture
Compare the clothing behavior of Libya and Argentina . Include similarities and differences in clothing behavior of Western and non-Western cultures.Include:Historical perspective/ background: Explain western and non-western cultures – social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, etc.)? – Where did it all begin (its origin or association)?- What are the differentiating factors of western from non-western- How has these social norms and values influenced dress (body modifications and/ or supplements)- Discuss a specific country that represents western culture – describe one or more dress traditions (body modifications and/ or supplements)- Discuss a specific country that represents non-western culture – describe one or more dress traditions (body modifications and/ or supplements)- What are the commonalities in social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, etc. that the two countries share?- What are the differences in social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, etc. that the two countries share?Here are some links that might be helpful.,cover%20their%20hair%20in20keeping%20with%20Islamic%20tradition.