Economic Issue Presentation | Instant Homework Solutions
PowerPoint Presentation Assignment and Rubric 8 10 slides; 10 minutes 100 Points for 10% of the grade Post in the Week 8: Assignments by Sunday at midnight The assignment is a 10 minute PowerPoint Presentation in class on Week 8 on a current U.S. economic issue. The paper should include the following: Title Page Introduction describe the current issue and why is it relevant and worthy of further research. Provide a well referenced discussion of the pros/cons or point/counterpoint of the issue Include at least 3 current academic sources. Should not be older than 24 months. Include a reference page. Presentation Guidelines Your presentation must address the following: Title Page: Identify the issue and team members Issue Introduction: Briefly describe the controversial economic issue being researched and its importance Issue Analysis: Research and analyze 5 or scholarly sources to present both sides of the issue; Summarize differing perspectives discussing the evidence provided to support each; identify any assumptions or fallacies in the arguments. Conclusions: Based on research findings, assess the arguments including points of agreement and disagreement Recommendations: Based on the teams analyses, present your specific recommendations on how to address the economic issue References: Five or more required; all listed must be cited in presentation slides