A Doll’s House Act 3
Directions: Answer the questions below in well developed paragraphs. Make sure to use textual evidence in your responses and to provide analysis/ commentary.Important:The assignment must meet MLA standards (indentation, font style, font size, as well as citations/Works Cited)Well-developed paragraphs contain at least 7-10 college-level sentences. Answering less often leads to a lack of analysis and well-developed thought.Use evidence from the text as support.Final QuestionsDiscuss the following external conflicts of Nora? Nora versus society.2. Discuss the internal conflicts that Nora is dealing with throughout the play.3. Compare/contrast Nora and Kristine. Use specific examples from the text.4. Does Torvald have any redeeming qualities?5. What is the significance of the title, A Dolls House? think about playing with dolls and dollhouses…please just answer each question there is no need for an introduction or a conclusion just the answers to the question and it needs to mark.use can use this page to read the play: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2542/2542-h/2542-h.htm