A Raising in the Sun | Instant Homework Solutions
Watch the following commercial movies listed below. After viewing your selection, write a 500-word essay using the following questions as a guide: a. What was the film’s title? b. What was the film about? Briefly, describe the film. c. Who was the main character? d. Who was this person? e. How was power used on this person? How did this person use power? f. How did this person experience shame related to race, gender identity, religion, or culture? g. What defenses did the character use in response? h. What characteristics of a biased system did you observe? i. How did the bias, inherent in the system, oppress the character? j. What was the character’s response? The Movie A Raisin in the Sun The link below should show the whole movie or can be rented from library or found on line. THE LINK BELOW IS THE MOVIE