Access to Healthcare
Access to healthcare is a huge issue impacting our country. Certain populations are more likely to face this issue. Write an essay identifying these vulnerable populations, things the government has done to combat the issues related to access to healthcare and your ideas on how this issue could be combated. Be sure to include the answers to the following questions within the body of your essay:Define vulnerability with regard to health. (2 points)Name at least 3 underserved population groups and specifically state why these groups have gaps in their access to care. (6 points)In your opinion, which of the 3 populations you selected have the biggest barriers to healthcare access? Why? This opinion should be validated by research. (5 points)Name at least 3 government funded measures that attempt to combat access to healthcare. Explain how effective these measures are in decreasing barriers to access for underserved populations. (6 points)Identify one thing you think could be done to further reduce barriers in access to healthcare for the population you chose in question #3 and explain your idea in detail. (3 points)The essay should:· Be at least 400 words· Be double spaced· Include a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.· Include at least 2 properly cited resources