Adherents of Ethical Theories
Not less than 1500 and not more than 1800 words, using the diagram, assess yourself as to how you make decisions and actions every time using the adherents of Ethical Relativism, Ethical Absolutism, Ethical Egoism, and Ethical Altruism. Below are guide questions to help you out in your self-assessment, do not answer them individually rather use them to write your content. 1. In making decisions, how many percent (100 as highest) do you use from Ethical Relativism, Ethical Absolutism, Ethical Egoism, and Ethical Altruism? 2. In deciding what action to pursue, how many percent (100 as highest) do you use from Ethical Relativism, Ethical Absolutism, Ethical Egoism, and Ethical Altruism? 3. In your experiences in making decisions, which ethical theory do you lean towards most of the time? Are you a relativist, absolutist, egoist, altruist? 4. Do Objects of Desire and Objects of Aversions play a role in your decision making and performing an action? 5. Are you always caught in a Fallacy of Contradiction when weighing your options? 6. What are the things you consider before and during making decisions and taking an action?