Agile Methodologies
Respond in your own words in this Discussion forum in 50-100 word responses to the following questions: 1) How do Agile project management approaches relate to traditional (PMI PMBOK) approaches? 2) What is Scrum and how does it relate to Agile methodologies? 3) What are the three main Scrum Roles (or Agile Roles) and how should they serve customer value (what is needed) over constraints (schedule, cost, etc.)? 4) Based on a quick “sweep” of the web (web search), identify and discuss one company or government agency actively using Agile PM (Hint: Search DoD or VA AND Agile or Scrum for many government hits). Note: Content not coming directly from you will need to be cited per APA. FYI, best practice is to use citations to support your content and assertions. Note: Responses may be a single paragraph or multi-paragraph, but should be well-organized, thorough, and well-presented.