AI and Robotics in Surgical Procedures
Essay content Introduction: è Artificial intelligence and robotic surgery (robot doctors) in health science (short introduction) and especially in ophthalmology (main introduction) è Introducing the research question, How far are artificial intelligence and robotics (robot doctors) integrated in surgical procedures in ophthalmology? OR How successful / effective are artificial intelligence and robotics (robot doctors) integrated in surgical procedures in ophthalmology? Main part: Subsections: for example, è about Robotic ophthalmologists in general, facts, where and which operation they make è contrasting or comparing advantages and disadvantages in using robotic ophthalmologists and artificial intelligence in surgery section è possible mistakes of artificial intelligence in this field that can risk human lives or human wellbeing/health è Conclusion è present and future of robots in health science and in ophthalmology especially è are they going to replace human resources or human ophthalmologists? è What are your predictions about artificial intelligence and robotics in future ? Attention please ! Professors requirements è Acceptable sources are academic journals, books, quality newspapers (New York Times, Guardian etc.) and ‘respectable’ websites. è Recycling appropriate terminology and collocations is fine without marking this as a quotation; anything longer than a few words which is quoted verbatim and terms coined by an author should be marked as a quotation in the usual way.. è You should refer to / quote from at least 10 different sources, for example, Google scholar, Cochrane and s.o. è Topic sentences and paragraphs help to structure your writing. Strongly recommended/demanded using phrases from è Tables/figures should supplement your writing – they should not be used to replace your writing. Just like quotations, they should be properly integrated into your text, see the examples here NOT much information about historical or past facts. NO overview of previous research done on this topic, BUT a well-researched case study that applies the theory related to health science NO open -source websites like Wikipedia