Alcoholism within Poverty
The purpose of this assignment is to help you build upon your assessment skills by completing a multifaceted critical literature review. This literature review should challenge you to think about the context of your topic, how and why your target client/group is influenced by your topic applying the theories, and begin to use your assessment skills to identify relevant intervention strategies. This assignment is intended to assess your knowledge of an important social work issue related to human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice, as you will compile a thoughtful review of research pertaining to your topic. You will develop skills in selecting evidence-informed strategies using your knowledge of person-in-environment and multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks to advance social, economic, and environmental justice.The Topic is Alcoholism within poverty. Discuss Local and Global Issues/or social, economic, and environmental injustice that are related to this topic (i.e. what is happening locally versus internationally in the intervention, treatment, evaluation, etc. of this topic, any disparities within the country or globally). Briefly identify and describe how two Key Theories (one micro-level and one macrolevel) relate to your issue and help us understand the issue better – A micro-level theory might explain how or why an individual is impacted by your issue, whereas a macro-level theory helps to explain the context surrounding the individual. If you are not sure what the difference is between a micro-level and a macro-level theory, pick a couple of examples, and consult with your instructor before beginning this section of your paper. You will need to describe the theory and then discuss how it relates to your topic to receive full points. Identify the Key Policy and Human Rights Issues that make this an important issue – Describe specific, key policy issues, and human rights issues relating to your topic area. Address both the strengths and limitations of policy or human rights, specific to your issue.(Attached will be the complete prompt but not all of it is to go within this paper. ONLY the 3 bullet points listed within this spot are the ones needing to be completed.)