Amazon Breakup
The issue repeatedly arises in the US economy if a particular corporation has become so big that the government (society) mandates that it be broken. For instance, Microsoft faced this issue some years back, and AT&T (then a monopoly and called Ma Bell) was, in fact, legally required to break up (geographically, into baby Bells). At present time, the giant corporations are tech. This assignment requires you to examine one of the biggest of them Amazon and discuss if it should be required to break up. Your report should include: a. Brief description of Amazon, including its divisions/product lines, markets served, revenues (2019) and valuation (most recent). You can get information for the first two from the company website and for the latter two from b. A list of companies acquired by Amazon (along with what industry /products each is related to) c. Your argument for why Amazon should or should not be required by the government to break up. Your arguments should related to ethical issues discussed in the book such as impact on consumers, worker rights, profit motive/social good, stakeholder impact etc.