American Invasion and Iraq War
The film “War Made Easy (available at you should watch this before you answer the questions Assignment 1 (minimum 3 pages, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1.5 spacing. No cover page or bibliography. You are not expected to do additional research, but if you do please provide sources. Any scholarly referencing format can be used (APA, Chicago, etc.)Assignment # is worth 30% and is due October 23. It is based on your readings from the text (just war theory (pp. 116-117) and the film “War Made Easy (available at reading the relevant pages from your text and watching the WHOLE film ..1- IDENTIFY and EXPLAIN 5 DIFFERENT propaganda techniques described in the film to sell wars to the public. No more than one page. 2- DETERMINE whether the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a just war. In particular, determine whether the United States respected or violated the conditions of both Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello of Just War Theory. Focus your discussion on THREE conditions of Jus ad Bellum (just cause, legitimate authority and last resort) and TWO conditions of Jus in Bello (discrimination and proportionality). Minimum 2 pagesIf you want to read a more in-depth discussion of Just War Theory, consult the following source: you have questions, dont hesitate to MIO me or ask for a meeting on Zoom.