American Revolution
American Revolution
Was the America Revolution, revolutionary? meaning many historians argue that yes a new government was created and amazingly survived.that is astounding and they were really creating something wholly different than other governments from around the world.
However, for many people their lives the day after the war did not look any different from their lives before the war. they had the same jobs, the same economic status, political benefit or exclusions of power did not change for man white men and women and certainly not for America Indians and slaves.with these two different ideas in mind about the revolution answer the questions: where the American Revolution revolutionary or not and are sure to support yours answers with primary and secondary sources.
should be cited in APA format with credible and scholarly sources from the GMC library and test book America History 9th edition American History From the explorers of the Americas to the gripping issues in today’s headlines, American History investigates the people, events, and stories of our nation’s evolution.