[ORDER SOLUTION] Analysis Of Marriage
LIT 2000: FICTION ESSAY ASSIGNMENTRole/Writers Purpose: Allow the audience to share with the writer a critical analysis of text.Genre: Literary AnalysisAudience: Someone who has read the short stories you are discussing.Course Objective: Read critically, interpret and appreciate literary texts of multiple genres. Identify and explain how literary texts are relevant to their own experience and to the experiences of their own communities. Explain how literary texts reflect and sometimes challenge the historical, social and cultural contexts in which they are embedded. Write about literary texts at a college level.Task: Write a literary analysis essay of 800 words (minimum) in length. Students should keep in mind that they are not to summarize or retell the narrative of the story or stories. Instead they are to critically analyze the work or works.Grading CriteriaThese criteria include the following:students’ ability to read and analyzethe source and to integrate textual support into the writing,students’ management of theme/conflict and the view of life that it presents,students management of character development and motivation,students’ attention to avoiding structural, grammatical, and mechanical errors.In writing on this topic, a student must use specific and correctly cited support from the one or two stories addressed.Discuss how one or two stories portray family relationships such as those between husbands and wives, or between parents and children. In writing your essay, you should concentrate on how the work or works make use of various literary devices to portray these relationships to the reader.****Analysis of Marriage in The Story of an Hour