Analysis of Slumdog Millionaire | Instant Homework Solutions
Slumdog Millionaire (2008), like many other popular stories, suggests that it is wiser to choose love & family over wealth. Certainly, the final scenes for Jamal and Salim convey that message. Discuss that concept. Citations: Please cite the film(s) you discuss. Research is not required, but it might help you deepen your ideas. If you quote or apply specific ideas from other sources, be sure to cite them. a. Review: Write a film review of Slumdog in which you explore why the film was so popular among American audiences. Why did we like its message? b. Support: If you agree that love > $, you might support the idea with the film (and research and/or personal experience if you want). c. Challenge: Is the idea that love > $ naïve or simplistic? You might explore problems with this Hollywood value. d. Add nuance: Perhaps the more important question for happiness isnt how much money you have but how you think about and/or get the money. How does this idea show up in the film? e. Contextualize: What does this film show about Indias economic rise?