Answering questions based on the literature book They say I say 4E with readings
I dont know how to handle this English question and need guidance.
1) Speaking of first person: what are some of the most effective uses of the first person? Why would it be more effective then third person?
2) Read David Zinczenko’s “Don’t Blame the Eater” (647). Evaluate (a) how and why the author uses “I” or “we” and (b) if that perspective is effective.
~500 words
1) Speaking of ambivalence: What is the difference between having a complex argument and being wishy-washy?
2) Pick an issue affecting your school or community, and state an argument related to that issue (for example: “Because parking is such a problem on campus, students should take public transportation”). Respond using a template from each of the three sections, one agreeing, one disagreeing, and one agreeing and disagreeing.
~300 Word