Antwone Fisher
Watch one of the following movies: The Color Purple, Boys Dont Cry, Million Dollar Baby, The Shawshank Redemption, Antwone Fisher, Seabiscuit Good Will Hunting, Born on the 4th of July, Philadelphia, Something about Amelia, Rudy, Ordinary People, The Burning Bed, Call Me Anna, Message in a Bottle, Hidden Figures (2016), Green Book (2018) or One Flew Over the Coo Coos Nest. and write a paper in which you complete a clear and concise biopsychosocial assessment that analyzes behaviors, struggles and growth/development. Use 2 different theoretical approaches learned in this course to understand and analyze one of the movies central characters behavior and biopsychosocial-spiritual development. Please include at least 5 relevant citations from the literature. (see below for the format)Regardless of the option you choose for this assignment, the purpose is for you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply traditional theories in the assessment of an individual client system or character. The term biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment is another way of stating that a comprehensive assessment includes multiple perspectives that are brought together in order to fully understand the client and the context in which he/she is living.The biological includes the important physical factors that must be taken into consideration in understanding the client. For example, an adolescent boy who is very small for his age may be the target of harassment; the person who was in a car accident that results in him/her being a quadriplegic; the alcoholic client who has a genetic predisposition to alcohol as you look at their family history; or the parents who are struggling with the fact that their child died of a disease that was passed on genetically. (Clearly the biological aspect of assessment is an area that we have spent less time discussing and is not integral to the material presented in the book. Therefore, the biological aspect of the “focal system” needs to be addressed, but at a much more superficial level than will be expected in the following two sections.)The psychological includes the intra-personal functioning of the individual and draws heavily on the theories of individual development as discussed in class and readings. The impact of the family on intra-personal development should also be considered here, as well as the roles that the individual plays within the family.The social includes the context in which the individual is embedded, including how this context responds to the characteristics of the individual and the supports and resources provided. This would include family as the context for daily living, along with the demands placed on the individual by the environment.The spiritual includes our highest aspirations and potentials as human beings. How we express our need for love, meaning, creativity, community, higher power, religion, and the universe. Finally, the task is to put these all together and to think about how you can use the material studied in this course to better understand the character in the movie or the client with whom you have been working. This includes understanding not only the problems they are confronting, but also the resources they have to cope with these demandFor this assignment please use the following format:Introduction: describe the character or client that you selected and specifically describe the characters or clients significant identifying factors (age, race/culture, gender, family experience, and other personal background informationDescribe the character/clients significant biopsychosocial issues, milestones, life cycle issues, strengths, life experiences, struggles, experiences of oppression, cultural issues, and developmental issues.Describe each of the theoretical approaches selected. Include key concepts and why you selected these theories.Critically analyze how the characters/clients strengths, struggles, issue, and/or growth/developmental issues would be viewed and explained through each of the selected theoretical perspectives. Clearly describe how these theoretical perspectives are similar or different.Integrate relevant citations from the human behavior research literatureSpecifically describe what you have learned about human behavior from this analysisImportant Note: All written assignments must be typed and follow APA format, 8-10 pages, this does not include title page, abstract page, or reference page. Several resources will be posted in the learning modules. Also you can also refer to the APA Publication Manual (6th edition), and to a tutorial on APA style at: