Applying Knowledge and Skill in ECD
For this assignment, you will create a multi-media portfolio that showcases your ability to apply your knowledge and skill in authentic ways in two of the following areas of expertise in early childhood education: Communication and Collaboration in the Early Childhood Field Early Childhood Studies: Leading and Developing Teams This Assessment requires submission of multiple files. One (1) file must be a Word document that includes a 2-page written rationale for each of your two artifact. The remaining files will depend upon the type of artifact provided. 1. Area of Expertise: Communication and Collaboration in Early Childhood Artifact: Briefly describe the artifact you have designed to provide evidence of your knowledge and skills in this area of expertise. Design 4 quarterly Whats Next newsletters, Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer to inform and engage parents, and families about upcoming events, fundraisers, In-service, field trips/outings, Small lessons/activities, extra curriculum activities, and volunteer opportunities. Rationale: Provide a brief outline or bullet points identifying key elements of your rationale. Family communication and engagement is only successful if programs/schools employs effective strategies needed to engage parents and families. Engagement promotes a respectful, reciprocal partnership with families Communication creates the platform for a decent exchange between all parties. Parents are able to learn the importance of collaboration with the program and gain value of the role they play in their child(rens) success. Establishing positive relationships with families has a significant impact on a childs progress 2. Area of Expertise: Leading and Developing Teams Artifact: Briefly describe the artifact you have designed to provide evidence of your knowledge and skills in this area of expertise. Design an in-service power point training presentation for early child care workers that covers professionalism and what it takes to build leading teams. The presentation will cover assumptions, goals and objectives of professional development and forms of professional development. Rationale: Provide a brief outline or bullet points identifying key elements of your rationale. Leadership quality is so important when considering any business or organization, but the quality of staff and leadership in early childhood education is imperative. Annual workshops and in-service are necessary to ensure staff is ongoingly providing high quality service and care to those we serve.