Assignment 2: Personal Journal Entry 3
Assignment 2: Personal Journal Entry 3
Assignment 2: Personal Journal Entry 3
Assignment 2: Personal Journal Entry 3
A large part of being a social worker is being able to see the strengths in any situation. This characteristic can be described as having a half full view on life. As a clinical social worker, it is important to cultivate strength-based skills.
By now, your group should have developed a plan in completing the Group Wiki Project. In your Journal, reflect on your groups process in establishing the group purpose (Address Opioid Epidemic), establishing the group structure (effectiveness of communication), and contracting assignments.
Describe what you view to be the strengths and weaknesses of your group. What strategies can you implement to assist the group process? Implement one of these strategies, and be prepared to reflect on your experience in Week 9.
Submit your Journal Entry (2 pages).
References (use 2 or more)
Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Assignment 1: Week 7 Blog
Referring to your process recording from last week, consider the topics covered in this weeks resources and incorporate them into your blog.
Post a blog post that includes:
· An explanation of how you have addressed evaluation or how you might address evaluation in your field education experience at a military mental health clinic
References (use 2 or more)
Thyer, B. A. (2013). Evidence-based practice or evidence-guided practice: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet [Invited response to Gitterman & Knights evidence-guided practice]. Families in Society, 94(2), 7984. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Wharton, T. C., & Bolland, K. A. (2012). Practitioner perspectives of evidence-based practice. Families in Society, 93(3), 157164. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.