Assignment: analytical framework
Assignment: analytical framework
Assignment: analytical framework
Choose two media products (TV show, film, magazine, book, web site) directed at audiences of roughly the same age and socioeconomic status, but different genders (may include transgender). Choose an analytical framework discussed in the readings and apply it to compare the presentation of and assumptions about gender in the two products. Both products should be of the same mediumfor example, two TV shows, not a TV show and a book. Assignments should be around 5 pages in length, and must include citations and a reference list.
Please use APA format.
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Assignment Rubric
Component Criteria Rating
Conceptual understanding Student writing is relevant to the assignment, showing active reflection on or insight into the lessons main ideas and concepts.
Assignment synthesizes material covered in lessons with personal experience, independent research, or both, as appropriate.
Support and citation All claims are supported by evidence or reasoning appropriate to the situation.
References to the course text and other materials are cited appropriately.
Writing standards Writing is grammatically correct, clear, and concise. Course vocabulary is used accurately.
Assignment is well organized.
Adherence to assignment Assignment was submitted on time or early. Assignment meets length and content requirements. 20
Choose two media products (TV show, film, magazine, book, web site) directed at audiences of roughly the same age and socioeconomic status, but different genders (may include transgender). Choose an analytical framework discussed in the readings and apply it to compare the presentation of and assumptions about gender in the two products. Both products should be of the same mediumfor example, two TV shows, not a TV show and a book. Assignments should be around 5 pages in length, and must include citations and a reference list.