Assignment: Discussing Perspectives on Reality
Assignment: Discussing Perspectives on Reality
Assignment: Discussing Perspectives on Reality
Discussion: Perspectives on Reality
Post a response to one of the following prompts (at least 200-300 words); complete EITHER Prompt A or Prompt B.
Prompt A
Consider the imagery you created in your mind as you interacted with the written version of The Open Window. Describe this imagery and discuss whether it helped you understand the story. Did the imagery or imagined tone change when you listened to the audio? How? Which medium did you enjoy the most?
Now, do the same exercise with Sojourner Truths speech in text and as interpreted by Cicely Tyson in video form. Which medium did you prefer and why?
Comparing the forms you preferred in each case, what might that tell you about how you learn?
Prompt B
How we interpret something often depends on our past experiences and . Begin by reading the Aint I a Woman speech given by Sojourner Truth. Describe your reactions to this speech. When you watched Cicely Tysons interpretation through her performance, was it different than you imagined? How and why? Which medium did you enjoy the most?
Now, do the same exercise with the two articles for Omayra Sanchezs story. When her picture was released, there was controversy about whether the picture was necessary to convey her story or if it was just an attempt by the journalist to shock the public and sale more newspapers. Do you think the picture was necessary? Was the event conveyed just as vividly in the story without the picture? Why or why not?
Comparing the forms you preferred in each case, what might that tell you about how you learn?
Assignment 1 Instructions:
Submit a 1- to 2-page paper (about 300500 words) that responds to the following questions:
· What types of did your fellow classmates display in the artifacts they selected?
· How do the artifacts displayed together reveal ways of knowing, thinking, and expressing?
· What surprised you about the other artifacts that your classmates selected?
· Would your be complimentary with another student artifact? If yes, describe why, if no, describe why not.
· Does your reveal your perspective of who you are as a student and a learner?
Assignment 2 Instructions:
Think about the material you encountered in the course this week, and describe one aspect of the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you. Make sure to describe why the material interested you as a thinker.
Set a timer (on the stove, a clock or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without stopping. The prompts will remain the same each week, but you will reflect about a different aspect of each weeks resources.
Post an entry that addresses each of the following:
· Observe. Describe the weeks content and resources to a person who has not seen/heard or observed it.
· Process. Answer the question: What does this content/topic mean?
· Reflect. Answer the question: What is the value in understanding this?
Montante, S. (2004). Thinking on Paper. Literary Cavalcade, 57(3), 36-37.
Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Each question needs to be answered in 100 words
1. Freud, Piaget, and others viewed life as a series of stages. In contrast, Fromm and Rogers saw it as a process. How could these differing viewpoints affect perceptions of personality?
2. Early psychologists were medical doctors or scientists. By the middle part of the twentieth century, philosophers and theologians added their ideas to the study of personality. How would a viewpoint that encompasses these elements affect perceptions about personality?
3. Identification with a subculture in childhood and adolescence may help individuals become well-adjusted later. Using Sullivans idea of chumship, what does this help us understand about personality?