Assignment on Mentoring
Assignment on Mentoring
Assignment on Mentoring vs. Counseling
Assignment: Mentoring vs. Counseling
: Counseling addresses cases of mental/emotional distress. How can a lay counselor address issues of soul care by using the art and practice of mentoring?
Read the Mentoring Unit in its entirety first. In your discussion this week, please answer the three questions below as they relate to this weeks Module.
Keep in mind that the person you are mentoring is called a mentoree (not mentee) remember that according to your reading the word came from a man named Mentor.
Discipleship vs. Mentoring: Based on the biblical examples, were they the same in biblical times? What about now? What do you think and why?
Mentoring vs. Counseling: Counseling addresses cases of mental/emotional distress. How can a lay counselor address issues of soul care by using the art and practice of mentoring?
Briefly give us a list of thoughts on your own Mentor needs and strengths: In what would you like to be mentored? What can you offer a mentoree?
Assignment on Mentoring vs. Counseling
Choose one aspect of Milas life to alter. This element can be an event, a personal characteristic, an environmental factor, or an aspect of the timeline. In your initial post, identify the original life story element you intend to change and explain how you intend to change it. Use Eriksons psychosocial stages of development to explain Milas stage of development at the time this change takes place and address how the change affects Milas psychological development into adulthood.
After identifying the initial change and describing it, create a list of three additional outcomes in Milas development across the lifespan that will likely be affected by this change. For each, identify the current outcome in Milas life story and propose a rationale for changing this outcome. Apply either Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory or Vygotskys sociocultural theory to Milas life to create a hypothesis as to how and why these outcomes would likely adjust due to the changes you have made.
Briefly summarize your personal reaction(s) to making the initial change and how it altered the subsequent outcomes. Explain how differences in life events create differences in human development.