Assignment on Organization location
Assignment on Organization location
Assignment on Organization location
Assignment on The Location of the Organization
The Community Center is located in a suburb called Overtown, in Miami, Florida. It is a subdivision of the city which has been included into the organization and still experiencing a number of parts of necessary team improvements. Public transportation is very efficient in Miami and can be used to get to the facility. Depending on where you are coming from it is probably 20 minutes to the max an hour to get to from any part of Miami, of course that is depending on traffic.
At the current location, the center deals with a variety of different backgrounds and races, which seem to be evenly dispersed throughout the overall population. Miami is very diverse and there is generally never one single ethnic group that makes up the majority of our citys inhabitants (statistics?). The difference in races sometimes plays a role in dictating the services provided by the center. The leading facet that significantly impacts the service to deliver to recipients is the concentration of regions run by a variety of gangs. For example, a variety of residents who reside in an area controlled by a gang greatly evade coming to the centers place of business because they are fearful of creating conflict or rivalries. The centers location often becomes a gangs local hangout for their meetings which can interfere with the centers purposes. Nevertheless, there is a great deal of security tools put into place to protect the environment whereby an inception of encounters is prohibited either between the gang or security guards.
The Décor of the Center
The decorations around the center display a place of different cultures and diversity. There are photos a children of different races playing together, photographs of historical places in our city, plants and also pictures of social workers smiling, while they appear to be diligently working with the public. Overall the place is a welcoming environment to all. All the notices and pamphlets are given in multiple languages, such as English, Spanish and French to help assist each family or person. The locals of Miami can professionally relate with the implemented assessment of displays which appear on television screens around the waiting area. They also have some family friendly advertising materials for low income things to do with your children and family and also how tips on how to reduce your medical prescriptions. The entire center has many different diverse filers, posters and other choices and variety of pamphlets to read. Pictorial messages are also personalized to outfit a culturally open and knowledgeable relationship amongst the individuals receiving service and the service center employees. The painting on the main wall of the waiting area where you will see the Director of First Impressions is a picture of a place in Overtown which is the location of the Culmer Community Center. It portrays the obvious problems in the suburb and relays them to the purposes of the Culmer Community Action Center which was placed there to provide services to the community to help better its surroundings and make the city and surrounding areas more self-sufficient.