Assignment on self-portrait Theories
Assignment on self-portrait Theories
Assignment on self-portrait Theories
Assignment: Explain Theories in self-portrait
Final Paper. The final paper will include two self-portraits. For the second day of class (Jan 12), you will need to paint a self-portrait as homework, and bring your self-portrait to class ready to present it. By the last day of class (April 25), you will need to paint and submit a second self-portrait. This second self-portrait should integrate different theories that stood out for you during the semester. You will write a paper (max 4 pages, single space) that describes both portraits, explains the differences between the two portraits, and analyzes which theories or concepts helped you better understand yourself. You may also depict how you have grown through this semester and all the knowledge that you have acquired through these different theories. You will not be graded on the quality of the painting and your ability to paint but rather on your self-reflection of the different theories. The final paper with the two self-portraits is due April 25.
Hey so I need a 4-pg. paper that is REALLLY good! MY TEACHER IS VERRRRY STRICT AND IS DEF GOING TO REALLY READ IT. the paper is about ME smh lol but you can pretend. the class is theories and personalities and you have to use concepts from the class in the paper. (I will post slides). When writing about me I will give you details.
*This paper is about me, just pretend and make up things if need be.
A little about me: Ex: When I 1st started this semester, I was super worried about classes especially a mandatory class that I had to retake because I got a c- and needed at least a c. Im quite and dont know many people at school yet Im an extravert. I wanted to pledge and that didnt happen. That was really devastating because I stayed in for a extra semester so that I could. Went through a depression ended up doing quite well in classes even the mandatory one! My 1st portrait expressed everything. THE NOW
. I am graduating and happy about that but still didnt do all the extras I really wanted to do. Im passing all my classes, cant wait to put that robe and cap on. I plan on getting my masters. So, if you dont mind u can pretend like u are a 25 yr. old female lol who is still trying to figure out life and be happy and successful all at the. I also love butterflies to me they represent the change in life, caterpillar to beautiful butterfly. I like bright colors that signifies happiness to me. Just pretend, make sound good and add on to what I said. U can turn the information around, add on, significance on things while also using concepts.